About Us
St James’ was founded in 1857, an integral part of the development of a new, planned suburb of Southport. As we celebrated our 150th anniversary in 2007, we gave thanks for the vision and commitment of those who had gone before us.
Building on their work, we undertook an extensive re-ordering project in 2002/03 to improve the access, visibility and welcome of the building, funded by the giving of church members.
Running two services every Sunday, we currently have around 160 on the church electoral roll with an average total attendance of 80 (aged 16+).
God is with us all week long and we aim to lead lives pleasing to Him, making a positive difference in our community. To encourage us we have midweek small groups (a meeting of maybe 10 people in someone's house). These are a great way to learn, to get to know others in the church and discuss the issues we face in everyday living.
We offer fun and age-related teaching for children each Sunday during the 9.45 service. There are also a number of uniformed groups affiliated to St James’ who use our church hall each week.
We aim to give to external charities not less than 10% of the planned giving we receive from church members and most years are well in excess of this. Although focused on 4 national charities, we also support a number of local charities whilst many church members give of their time to serve the community in a variety of roles.
More locally our Church Hall provides a useful community asset available to a variety of local organisations.
We try not to be complacent, continually seeking fresh ways to connect with our community and make ourselves and the vital message of God’s unchanging love and forgiveness accessible and available to all.